Regarding your comment on xsl-editors

Thank you for your comment to archived at

The XSL WG is going through the comments at this time, developing
errata and lists of items to consider for a future version of XSL.

The following is our disposition of your above comment:

Disposition: Accepted (bug in spec)

The CSS2 Errata, as is stated in the "Status" section, also applies to XSL. 

Erratum, Section 7.8.6:


in sentence starting "In bicameral scripts", "(font size divided by x-height)"


"(x-height divided by font size)"


after the definition of the variable "y"

a = aspect value of first-choice font

Please Reply (cc-ing if you wish to make
an objection to our resolution.

Thank you for your interest in XSL.

Paul Grosso for the XSL FO Subgroup of the XSL WG 

Received on Sunday, 30 June 2002 17:59:23 UTC