table-cell border precedence

W3C CR-XSL-20001121, Section 6.7.10. fo:table-cell, states: "If the value of
the border-collapse trait is 'collapse' the border for each side of the cell
is determined by, for each segment of a border, selecting, from all border
specifications for that segment, the border that has the highest precedence.
It is an error if there are two such borders that have the same precedence
but are not identitical."

In addition, Sections 6.7.4. fo:table-column and 6.7.9. fo:table-row state,
"If the value of border-collapse is "collapse" for the table the border
properties also apply." 

These two quotes suggest (although it is not explicit) that the border
specifications of cells, rows, and columns must be considered when selecting
a cell-border in the collapsing border model. But some of these formatting
objects do not have border-precedence properties listed as applying to them.
How is this to be interpreted? If the borders of rows and columns are to be
considered, what is the appropriate precedence? If the borders of rows and
columns are not to be considered, under what circumstances are these borders

Also, Sections 6.7.6 fo:table-header, 6.7.7 fo:table-footer, and 6.7.8
fo:table-body all indicate that border and padding properties apply to these
formatting objects. It is not stated that they only apply when the value of
border-collapse is "collapse." How is this to be interpreted? Are these
borders always used and, if so, how exactly are they positioned with respect
to the borders of cells and of the table? Or are they used to select cell
borders in the collapsing border model and, if so, what is their precedence?
How is the padding used?

I would note that all of this seems inconsistent with the CSS2 specification
which indicates that the borders of column-groups, columns, row-groups, and
rows are only used if the border-collapse trait is "collapse" and that only
cells have padding (this latter point is made clear in an erratum). 

Received on Monday, 30 July 2001 12:41:52 UTC