XST Rec errata

These aren't technical errors, but just picky copyediting things I noticed
and jotted down as I was recently rereading the spec.

Bob DuCharme          www.snee.com/bob           <bob@  
snee.com>  "The elements be kind to thee, and make thy
spirits all of comfort!" Anthony and Cleopatra, III ii


1 "recognized only in the stylesheet not in the source document"

recognized only in the stylesheet and not in the source document

2.7 second Note: "may be included or imported into an stylesheet"

into a stylesheet

5.2  "matches any item element that has a items parent"

has an items parent

12.1 "The semantics of the fragment identifier is dependent on the media

are dependent

16.1 (near end) "this ensures that it is both a XML declaration"

an XML declaration

Received on Thursday, 17 August 2000 09:41:31 UTC