minor typos in WD-xsl-19981216

Here are minor typographical error reports for the XSL working draft [1]
based on one reading. Please feel free to ignore this mail; (W3C technical
reports sometimes get lots of errata reports at late stages, so I thought
it might help to submit these at the draft stage).

Sorry I don't know most of the differences between US and UK English --
several things pointed out here are probably completely correct. Quotes are
indented four spaces, and my attempt at editing follows each entry.

2.4.4 Namespace Nodes

    Each element has an associated set of namespace nodes, one
    for each namespace prefix that is in scope for element and
    Each element has an associated set of namespace nodes, one
    for each namespace prefix that is in scope for [the] element and

2.4.8 Whitespace Stripping

    The xsl:preserve-space element causes an element type to be
    added to the set whitespace-preserving element types.
    The xsl:preserve-space element causes an element type to be
    added to the set [of] whitespace-preserving element types.

2.5.1 Conflict Resolution for Template Rules

    if it does not signal the error, it must recover by
    choosing from amongst the matching template rules that are
    left the one that occurs last in the stylesheet.
    if it does not signal the error, it must recover by
    choosing from amongst the matching template rules that are
    left [after processing?] the one that occurs last in the stylesheet.

2.6.1 Introduction

    The root node is treated is specially.
    The root node is treated specially.

    a pattern /div will match the document element it is a div
    a pattern /div will match the document element [if] it is a div

 // is described twice (not sure):

    A // can be used instead of / to select from descendants
    instead of from children. For example, a pattern chapter//p
    selects all the p descendants of chapter children of the
    current node, and it matches all p elements that have a
    chapter ancestor.

    A pattern can also start with //. //foo means the same as
    /.//foo: it selects the foo descendants of the root node,
    which implies that it selects all foo elements. When a
    pattern starts with // the current node is irrelevant.

2.6.2 Syntax and Semantics

    to test whether a node matches a pattern foo//bar is should
    to test whether a node matches a pattern foo//bar [it] should


    characters inside the " or ' characters>.
    characters inside the " or ' characters.

  Pattern Lexical Structure

    ::=	'/' | '@' | '(' | ')' | '|' | '[' | ']' | '=' | '.' | '..' | '*'

    just a comment that '..' appears while '//' doesn't

    An OperatorName token is recognized only when there is a
    preceding token and the preceding token is not one of @, /,
    |, (, [ or an OperatorName.
    just wondering if this should include '.', as in:

    An OperatorName token is recognized only when there is a
    preceding token and the preceding token is not one of @, /,
    |, (, [, . or an OperatorName. Literal Result Elements

    the namespace URI in the expanded name of an literal result
    the namespace URI in the expanded name of a literal result Creating Elements with xsl:element

    The xsl:element allows an element to be created with a
    The xsl:element [element] allows an element to be created with a
    xsl:element allows an element to be created with a Numbering in the Result Tree

    xsl:counters first constructs a list containing, for each
    ancestor in the result tree that has a counter with the
    specified name, the value of named counter from that
    ancestor.                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    [I don't know how that is supposed to read. "named counters" maybe,
    or "the named counter"]

2.7.12 Copying

    types that do not have attribues
    types that do not have attributes Attribute Value Templates

    A right curly brace inside an Literal in a string expression
    A right curly brace inside a Literal in a string expression

2.7.15 Macros

    if it does not signal the error, if must recover by
    if it does not signal the error, it must recover by

2.8.2 Stylesheet Inclusion

    The resource located by the href attribute value is parsed
    as an XML document, and the children of the xsl:stylesheet
    element in this document replace the xsl:include element in
    the including document.

    The resource located by the href attribute value is parsed
    as an XML document, and the children of [any] xsl:stylesheet
    element[s] in this document replace the xsl:include element in
    the including document.

[maybe the included resource contains more than one stylesheet?]

3.1 Introduction

    The approach that we have taken in constructing this draft
    was to evaluate the requirements for print and online
    documents and established a target set of capabilities.
    The approach that we have taken in constructing this draft
    was to evaluate the requirements for print and online
    documents and establish a target set of capabilities.
    [or "and to establish"]

3.3 Formatting Objects Summary

    the general layout or layout sequencing for web page
    the general layout or layout sequencing for [a] web page
    [or "for web pages"] Description

    It creates a line according to the properties that produces
    a inline area.
    It creates a line according to the properties that produce
    an inline area. Description

    list-item-label,list-item pairs
    list-item-label, list-item pairs Description

    wrapper for a list-item-label and an list-item-body.
    wrapper for a list-item-label and a list-item-body. Purpose

    It controls styling defaults for the body, the spacing
    between lines and between paras within the list item, break
    precedences for line and paragraphs within the list item.
    It controls styling defaults for the body, the spacing
    between lines and between paras within the list item, [and] break
    precedences for line and paragraphs within the list item. Description

    with respect tot he list-item-body.
    with respect to the list-item-body. Description

    This object generates a inline area containing a page
    number the formatting will generated based on the
    pagination algorithms it implements.
    This object generates a inline area containing a page
    number[;] the formatting will [be] generated based on the
    pagination algorithms it implements. Description

    The content of a end-side area is repeated
    The content of an end-side area is repeated

    In a online environment,
    In an online environment, Description

    The final size of the font depend on
    The final size of the font depends on Purpose

    number of characters the must precede
    number of characters [that?] must precede Allowed Values

    An id(See Section 3.6.2: ID).
    An id (See Section 3.6.2: ID). Allowed Values

    use the system default for determining how to breaking a page
    use the system default for determining how to break a page

    generated by object
    generated by [the?] object Purpose

    Specifies the the length (width).
    Specifies the length (width). Description

    In an block formatting context,
    In a block formatting context, Description
and Description

    block-progression-direction's block-progression-direction
      ^                             ^
[don't know if that's right or not] Allowed Values

    A an x-y coordinate
    ^ ^
    An x-y coordinate Purpose

    Specifies the desired space preceding the before-edge any
    area.                                                ^

    Specifies the desired space preceding the before-edge [of] any
    area. Purpose

    Specifies the desired space preceding the start-edge any
    area.                                               ^

    Specifies the desired space preceding the start-edge [of] any
    area. Description

    to be added to each the normal space between words.
[guessing}          ^  ^                ^
    to be added to each of the normal spaces between words. Purpose

    Show whitespace inside the formatting object is to be handled.
    [How?] whitespace inside the formatting object is to be handled.

3.6.7 Signed Length
3.6.8 Unsigned Length
3.6.8 Unsigned Length

    plus a unit qualification. .
    plus a unit qualification.

3.6.18 Space Specifier


3.7 Defined Terms

    This is a the local origin point
    This is the local origin point

    specifying thier
    specifying their

    (which inherits to all areas contained in the container.
    (which inherits to all areas contained in the container).


    then spae may be inserted
    then space may be inserted

    the start-indent and end-indent of a block is measured
    the start-indent and end-indent of a block are measured

    (except when adjusted by the text-indent and
    last-line-indent properties.
    (except when adjusted by the text-indent and
    last-line-indent properties).



    suppressed at the if it appears first or last
    suppressed at the [unknown] if it appears first or last

    distance from an glyph-area's
    distance from a glyph-area's

    the contents of the area are stretched or spaced so that it fills
                              ^                               ^
[appears about four times; could be contents "is", or "so that they"]


    The direction of the characterÕs up-vector.
    The direction of the character's up-vector.

could be:                     ^
    vertical-roman-orientation = vertical

could be:                     ^
    vertical-roman-orientation = perpendicular

    rectangular, T, inverted-L shaped areas
    rectangular, T, [and] inverted-L shaped areas

In "D. Design Principles (Non-Normative)", a few list items might need
periods '.'.

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/WD-xsl-19981216

I hope this wasn't a waste of your precious time. Best wishes,
Susan Lesch <mailto:lesch@macvirus.com>
  Mac Virus <http://www.macvirus.com/>

Received on Monday, 18 January 1999 03:44:52 UTC