[2.7.12] Constants and Macro Arguments

[2.7.12] Constants and Macro Arguments
- I see how to put a constants and macro arguments into attribute values
using ConstantRef and MacroArgRef, but how would I put these references
into the content of a flow object?  Is there something along the lines of:

  <xsl:define-constant name="bullet" value="&#x00B3;"/>
  <xsl:text><xsl:use constant-name="bullet"> </xsl:text>


  <xsl:define-macro name="list-item-label">
      <xsl:macro-arg name="bullet" default="-"/>
      <xsl:text><xsl:use arg-name="bullet"> </xsl:text>

.......... Ken

G. Ken Holman               mailto:gkholman@CanadaMail.com
Crane Softwrights Ltd.  http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/s/
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Received on Saturday, 12 September 1998 08:51:02 UTC