Declarative Amsterdam 2022 - Register now!

On 7 and 8 November Declarative Amsterdam is going to take place at CWI, Science Park, Amsterdam.

The Program for Declarative Amsterdam 2022 <>  is official.
It features tutorials and presentations on languages and tools such as RumbleDB, Schematron, Fore, ixml, SQL, XProc, ePub, and various other topics in the field of declarative programming and declarative data. Speakers are Achim Berndzen, Diederik Gerth van Wijk, Erik Siegel, G. Ken Holman, Geert Bormans, Ghislain Fourny, Günter Burgstaller, Joep Meindertsma, Joern Turner, Juri Leino, Liam Quin, Maggie Appleton, Manuel Meyer, and Steven Pemberton.

The conference will be hybrid: you can attend on-site or via Zoom. Register now at: Please note that there is a discount available for early birds.

We hope to be see you there, either in person or virtually! Also, please tell friends and colleagues. We think the tutorials will be interesting for students, so do inform them as well.
Lastly, do not forget to participate in the Challenge <> .

Best wishes,

The Declarative Amsterdam Conference Committee.


Received on Monday, 19 September 2022 11:56:23 UTC