Re: [XProc 3 port@pipeline] Usage of such a shortcut

Martin Honnen had a solution with a variable :

<p:declare-step name"named-pipe">
   <p:input port="source" primary="true"/>
   <p:input port="other"/>
   <p:output port="result" primary="true"/>

   <p:variable name="v1" pipe="source@named-pipe" select="/*"/>
   <p:variable name="v2" pipe="other@named-pipe" select="/*"/>

   <p:xslt message="Transforming {base-uri($v1)} with {base-uri($v2)}">

And this perfectly works ! It outputs


Some of you may now know on what I'm working ;-)

Thanks a lot,

Le 05/05/2020 à 20:22, Norman Walsh a écrit :
> Christophe Marchand <> writes:
>> Or, if I can't, is there an XSPec XPath extension function that
>> returns the content of port@named-pipe ?
> No. That would move computation of pipeline connections out of the
> static analysis phase and into the runtime. That’s out-of-scope for
> XProc 3.0. You can still achieve what you for ordinary options by using
> the “long form” of p:with-option. Maybe that’s not possible for the
> message feature. Hmmm. Not in 3.0!
>                                          Be seeing you,
>                                            norm
> --
> Norman Tovey-Walsh
> Principal Engineer
> MarkLogic Corporation
> Phone: +1 512 761 6676

Received on Tuesday, 5 May 2020 19:21:51 UTC