
Hi all,

Here is my proposal for a p:message step. This was an open ToDo from our 
meeting in Prague.

The basic behaviour of p:message should be like cx:message, but I would 
add a new output port and some new options which make it easier to debug 
pipelines. Let me give you a brief overview:

<p:message xmlns:p="http://www.w3.org/ns/xproc">
   <p:input port="source"/>
   <p:output port="result"/>
   <p:output port="report"/>                  <!-- c:report -->
   <p:option name="select" required="true"/>  <!-- XPathExpression -->
   <p:option name="abort"/>                   <!-- true|false -->
   <p:option name="code"/>                    <!-- QName -->
   <p:option name="code-prefix"/>             <!-- NCName -->
   <p:option name="code-namespace"/>          <!-- anyURI -->
   <p:option name="severity"/>                <!-- String -->

The "source" and "result" port is similar to cx:message. The report 
provides a c:report document which contains the report message.

I've added also an option to terminate the pipeline which is named 
"abort" according to our discussion in prague. Like p:error, the step 
contains the options "code", "code-prefix", "code-namespace" to provide 
an error code. The "severity" option can contain arbitrary strings such 
as "info", "warning". The severity would be added as attribute to 
c:report and can accompany the message at stdout.

Then feel free to share your thoughts on this step.

best, Martin

Received on Tuesday, 7 March 2017 16:40:17 UTC