XML Calabash 1.1.14 released

Hi folks,

The only change in 1.1.14 is a fix for issue 246.

Issue 246, https://github.com/ndw/xmlcalabash1/issues/246, reported that
the p:http-request step could not access sites using Let’s Encrypt
certificates. Given the popularity of Let’s Encrypt, that seemed bad.

To fix that problem, I’ve upgraded to Apache HTTP Client 4.5.x (up
from 4.2.x). I don’t know what the underlying problem in the Apache
client was, but upgrading was the solution.

I don’t think I broke anything, but the HTTP Client API in 4.5.x is
quite different from what was in 4.2.x. If anything seems broken,
please let me know!

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
Lead Engineer
MarkLogic Corporation
Phone: +1 512 761 6676

Received on Tuesday, 13 December 2016 01:19:28 UTC