Re: Non-primary port connection between non-contiguous steps

Yves, you are not alone.
This context dependence of p:input/p:output element semantics was hard 
for me to understand initially. Only after I had grasped it finally, I 
saw that there was indeed a kind of caveat in the spec:
Then I thought for some time that the *declaration* and the *connection* 
use of p:input should have been discerned by giving context-dependent 
names to the elements (e.g., p:declare-input and p:connect-input).
I think it might facilitate things for new users. It will be interesting 
to learn about the input/output naming discussions from the spec editors.


On 2012-06-06 13:02, Yves Forkl wrote:
> Romain and Mohamed,
> thank you very much for your help, now I am able to connect the steps the way I want to.
> Indeed, I missed the crucial distinction between step declaration and step invocation. As a surprise, the structure of XProc pipelines now makes a lot more sense to me. :-)
> (Having looked around for good, comprehensive XProc tutorials quite a bit, I feel that it is still difficult to find one that explains this aspect well.)
> Yves

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Received on Wednesday, 6 June 2012 11:26:26 UTC