Re: XML Calabash V0.9.34 released

On 4 September 2011 17:51, Florent Georges wrote:
> On 2 September 2011 21:39, Norman Walsh wrote:

>>     * Added Florent Georges' "configurers" patch. You can now
>>       configure many aspects of the processor without
>>       modifying the original sources.

>  Thanks for that, and for your help during this!

  Sorry, I forgot to say...  Unless I missed something, I think
there is no way to set an XProcConfigurer from the command-line.
A bit like the Saxon 9.3 option -init which lets the user setting
a Saxon Initializer implementation from the command-line by
providing its class name.

  That is, if the option is there, then use its value as
the name of a class, which must be a valid implementation of the
interface XProcConfigurer, it instantiates it (using the default
ctor) and set it on its XProcRuntime.


Florent Georges

Received on Sunday, 4 September 2011 19:43:04 UTC