Re: Usage of FOP in new calabash 0.9.35

On 06/10/2011 21:05, Norman Walsh wrote:
> arkarell<>  writes:
>> Thanks Norman. And how can I specify a fop configuration file (that I
>> use to refer fonts, base URI for images, ...) ?
> Ah, drat. I blew that part. For 0.9.37, you'll be able to say:
> <p:xsl-formatter href="/tmp/out.pdf">
>    <p:with-param name="UserConfig" select="'/path/to/my/FOP/config/file.xml'"/>
> </p:xsl-formatter>
Thanks. It would be perfect. Any idea of the release date of this new 
version 0.9.37 ?
> The available parameters are kinda, sorta, not really described here:
Thanks for the link. I didn't see it before. It's great to have this 
documentation available directly in the calabash website
>> By the way, you forgot to change the RNC schema of configuration
>> file to add this fo-processorelement .
> Indeed. That was out-of-date.
>                                          Be seeing you,
>                                            norm

Received on Friday, 7 October 2011 08:09:22 UTC