Re: pxf:mkdir in Calabash

I've just checked and it should work fine with off-the-shelf oXygen  

The default configuration within the included Calabash jar correctly  
declares the mkdir step with the following element:

<implementation type="cxf:mkdir" class- 

The following Pipeline runs fine:

<p:declare-step xmlns:p=""
   <p:import href=" 
   <pxf:mkdir name="mkdir" href="/tmp/mydir"/>


Le 16 janv. 11 à 10:55, Stefan Krause a écrit :

> for some strange reason, the mail was accepted but not delivered.  
> Hope that helps.
> Stf
> Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:
>> Von: Stefan Krause <>
>> Datum: 15. Januar 2011 21:58:36 MEZ
>> An:
>> Betreff: Re: pxf:mkdir in Calabash
>>> 1. to import or declare the step signature (usually by importing a  
>>> step library)
>> .. which you can find here:
>>> 2. to let Calabash know which class to load for the step name
>> Calabash uses its build-in classes, so you don't need to register  
>> any external class. Make sure you bind the prefix pxf to the  
>> namespace
>> Stefan
>> Am 15.01.2011 um 20:03 schrieb Romain Deltour:
>>> I'm not sure, but it could come from the pxf:mkdir step  
>>> implementation not being declared in the default Calabash  
>>> configuration.
>>> To use a processor-specific atomic step in Calabash you need:
>>> 1. to import or declare the step signature (usually by importing a  
>>> step library)
>>> 2. to let Calabash know which class to load for the step name
>>> (2) can be done with the 'implementation' element of the XML  
>>> calabash configuration file. You can override or add to the  
>>> default configuration with local files, for instance a file  
>>> named .calabash in your home directory will be looked up by default.
>>> Again, I'm not sure of the diagnosis here. I've not updated oXygen  
>>> yet and cannot check on my setup.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Romain.
>>> Le 15 janv. 11 à 18:02, Tony Rogers a écrit :
>>>> Greetings fellow Passionate Pipeline Programmers!
>>>> I
>>>> SystemID: /Users/amrogers/Developer/Projects/oXygen_workspace/ 
>>>> org.lyris/trunk/build.xpl
>>>> Engine name: Calabash XProc
>>>> Severity: error
>>>> Description:  Misconfigured. No 'class' in configuration for  
>>>> pxf:mkdir
>>>> Can anybody tell me what that means?
>>>> —Tony

Received on Sunday, 16 January 2011 13:10:04 UTC