Re: Simplifying a series of simple p:xslt steps


> Just for completeness, the recursive pipeline below can be used for
> applying a sequence of XSL transformations to the source
> document. The pipeline takes an XML document, a sequence of XSLT
> stylesheets, and zero or more parameters for the
> transformations. It's not really less verbose and is probably also
> harder to read than the original pipeline, but it shows how you can
> use XProc to deal with sequences of operations whose number is not
> fixed or known in advance.

I really appreciate this example.  While I think I'd prefer explicitly
listing the stylesheets to be applied in the pipeline itself, your
solution is certainly instructive.  I don't fully comprehend it yet,
but it gives me a better idea of XProc's flexibility and I'm happy to
have it as a study guide.


Will McCutchen

Received on Tuesday, 12 October 2010 15:51:08 UTC