Re: Simplifying a series of simple p:xslt steps

  Op 12-10-2010 9:44, schreef:
> Just for completeness, the recursive pipeline below can be used for applying a sequence of XSL transformations to the source document.
I was searching recently for an xproc eval step, which takes an xproc 
pipeline on one port and a source document (or sequence) on another, 
resulting in the source document being evaluated and the result document 
(or sequence) provided on the result port. In this way, an xquery/xslt 
step could transform the series of xslt's to xproc, provider another 
layer of abstraction. Can we expect such a step in a future version of 

With kind regards,

Edwin de Jong

Met vriendelijke groet,

Edwin de Jong

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Received on Tuesday, 12 October 2010 09:23:30 UTC