ANN: EMC XProc Engine (Calumet) 1.0.11 released

I am pleased to announce the availability of EMC XProc Engine (Calumet)
1.0.11. Version 1.0.11 implements the XProc W3C Recommendation 11 May
2010 and comes with a number of bug fixes as well as new features - the
most notable of which are improved error reporting, EXProc support, the
emx:eval extension step for dynamic pipeline execution, or support for
simple tracing and profiling of XProc pipelines.

Changes in version 1.0.11:
  * Implements XProc W3C Recommendation 11 May 2010
  * Improved error reporting
  * p:http-request now supports also HEAD, PUT, and DELETE HTTP methods
  * Support for EXProc "OS Utils" and "File Utils" extension steps,
pxp:unzip, and XPath extensions
  * New emx:eval extension step for dynamic execution of XProc pipelines
  * New Saxon plug-in property (licensed-edition) to enable/disable the
"licensed" features of Saxon
  * Command-line: Default configuration is read from
$HOME/.calumet/config.xml if the file exists
  * Command-line: New -t (--trace) switch for detailed tracing of
  * Command-line: New -P (--profile) switch for displaying profiling
information of pipelines
  * xDB plug-in: missing libraries are created automatically when
storing content in xDB using p:store
  * <oXygen/> integration now supports simple XProc validation while
editing pipelines
  * Fixed p:hash: byte values in the hexadecimal hash are now padded to
two characters
  * Fixed the incorrect "classpath:" URI scheme issue in the classpath
resolver handler
  * Fixed support for stream/reader/node-based built-in libraries
  * Fixed the NCName parser
  * Fixed issues with step type exports and circular and re-entrant
pipeline imports
  * Fixed handling of default output port bindings for pipeline
invocation steps
  * Fixed problems with passing empty parameter values to the pipeline
  * Fixed handling of elements with a non-empty content model in the
XHTML serialization
  * The default value for p:serialization/omit-xml-declaration changed
to 'true'

Download page:
XProc test suite results for version 1.0.11:


Vojtech Toman
Principal Software Engineer
EMC Corporation

Received on Friday, 28 May 2010 09:17:49 UTC