Re: Memory usage

Norman Walsh <> writes:
>> Reading in multiple xml and writing out multiple xml will cause the
>> memory leak based on the tests attached to that issue.
> I have an idea about that. Will try to investigate this week.

I poked at it for an hour or so this morning, without any luck.
(Suggestions for good tools to investigate this kind or problem most
eagerly solicited.)

I had thought that my caching infrastructure was the culprit, but
turning that off had no effect. Now I wonder if the underlying
architecture of the pipes between steps is the problem. A little
instrumentation didn't make that obviously the case, but that doesn't
mean it isn't. And the time's up for today :-(

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | It was that school of song writing, you            | know, easy on the words in case they
                              | use them all up.--Dylan Moran

Received on Thursday, 13 May 2010 13:56:31 UTC