RE: Can one within a for-each loop wrap, output, sink a set of files and continue processing with remaining files?



One way to process the files in 'batches' could be to use a recursive pipeline. You can build the list of files incrementally by calling the pipeline recursively, each time adding one (or more) file to the input port of the pipeline and increasing a value of some 'count' option. When count is equal or greater to 200, process all files that you have on the input port, and then call the pipeline with an empty set of documents and 'count' set to zero.


The efficiency of this approach may vary per different XProc implementations, depending how they do memory management in recursive calls.






Vojtech Toman

Principal Software Engineer

EMC Corporation


From: [] On Behalf Of Alex Muir
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 11:28 AM
To: Romain Deltour
Subject: Re: Can one within a for-each loop wrap, output, sink a set of files and continue processing with remaining files?


Hi Romain,

Your solution looks like a good one and your not missing any points.

Would the solution, to have to read all input files in before processing the first set, be poor in terms of memory use?

There is no way to read in the first 200 and process them and read in the second 200 and process those and so on?


On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 6:43 PM, Romain Deltour <> wrote:

Hi Alex,


If I'm understanding correctly your intent and your pipeline, you should rather use the @group-adjacent attribute of the p:wrap-sequence step to pack 200 files at a time.



In your pipeline, almost everything happens in one big p:for-each that iterates over the 1000 files. The p:choose subpipeline is executed only every 200 file, and the wrapper's input is a sequence of this unique file (modulo 200).

Actually, rather that grouping files by sets of 200, you ignore 199 files and wrap only the 200th in an element before processing it.


What I would do is:


p:for-each => to iterate through the 1000 files and load the documents

(note the result of this first p:for-each is a sequence of 1000 documents)

p:wrap-seqence[@group-adjacent] => split the sequence of 1000 into 200-sets

p:for-each => another iteration over the 5 packs of 200 files, to process each pack at a time


I hope this helps and I'm not missing your point...





Le 3 juin 10 à 18:32, Alex Muir a écrit :


I'm trying to read ~10000 files within a for-each loop, wrap a selection from each set of 200 files and process them to output 1 html file, sink the processed files and continue with the remaining files processing 200 at a time.

Is that possible in xproc?

I've got something like the following which I can't get to work. I think that wrapper cannot be used within a for-each, is that the case?

<p:declare-step xmlns:p="" xmlns:c=""
    xmlns:cx="" name="wrapWithinForEach" version="1.0">

    <p:input port="source">

    <p:output port="result" sequence="true"/>

    <p:declare-step type="cx:message" version="1.0">
        <p:input port="source"/>
        <p:output port="result"/>
        <p:option name="message" required="true"/>

    <!-- ***** Starting and Ending File Numbers ***** -->
    <p:variable name="startingFileNumber" select="'1'"/>
    <p:variable name="endingFileNumber" select="'10000'"/>
    <p:variable name="numberPerFile" select="'200'"/>

    <!-- source and output folder variables -->
    <p:variable name="source-folder" select="'completed/XML/'"/>
    <p:variable name="output-folder" select="'MDNA/'"/>
    <p:variable name="error-folder" select="'MDNA/error/'"/>
    <p:variable name="exception-folder" select="'MDNA/exception/'"/>

        <p:with-option name="path" select="$source-folder">

    <p:for-each name="MDNA">

            select="//c:file[position() ge number($startingFileNumber) and position() le number($endingFileNumber)]"/>

        <p:variable name="fileName" select="c:file/@name"/>
        <p:variable name="startingIterationPosition"
            select="number(p:iteration-position()) + number($startingFileNumber)-1"/>
            <p:with-option name="message"
                select="concat('-----------------------------', 'Iteration-position:','  ', $startingIterationPosition, '  File: ', $fileName,'-----------------------------')"

            <p:with-option name="href" select="concat($source-folder,$fileName)"/>

            <p:with-option name="message" select="'######   ExtractContent'"/>
        <p:xslt name="ExtractContent">
            <p:input port="source"/>
            <p:input port="stylesheet">
                <p:document href="ExtractContent.xsl"/>
            <p:input port="parameters">
        <p:identity name="wrap"/>
            <p:when test="position() mod $numberPerFile eq 0">
                <p:wrap-sequence wrapper="WRAP" name="wrapper">
                    <p:input port="source">
                        <p:pipe port="result" step="wrap"/>
                <p:xslt name="CreateHTML">
                    <p:input port="source"/>
                    <p:input port="stylesheet">
                        <p:document href="CreateHTML.xsl"/>
                    <p:input port="parameters">
                <p:identity name="out_file"/>
                <p:store name="OUT">
                    <p:with-option name="href"
                        select="concat($output-folder, 'MDNASections','-',$startingFileNumber,'-' ,$endingFileNumber,'.html')">
                        <p:pipe step="out_file" port="result"/>
                <p:sink name="sinkIt"/>





An informal recording with one mic under a tree leads to some pretty sweet acoustic sounds.



An informal recording with one mic under a tree leads to some pretty sweet acoustic sounds.

Received on Friday, 4 June 2010 09:37:39 UTC