Re: Where to download the latest XProc RNG schemas?

I assume it would be from the recommendation:


Le 13 déc. 10 à 18:50, Rijk Ravestein a écrit :

> Hello,
> I found a discussion on this forum (Fri, 05 Feb 2010) about an  
> duplicate attribute "use-when" error when validating a pipeline. I  
> ran into the same error when doing a validating parse of a pipeline  
> in an XProc engine I am developing right now.
> In my engine I use Jing 20091111 with xproc.rng and steps.rng files  
> I picked up from an Oxygen (version11?) installation. I patched  
> these schema's (more or less) to fix the "use-when" error, so I can  
> proceed with the cases from the XProc test suite for now.
> Being new to this forum and to the XProc world, I wonder if there is  
> a central place where I can download "the official" schema's from.
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Rijk Ravestein

Received on Tuesday, 14 December 2010 10:22:25 UTC