Re: calabash / xsl:result-document

Hello, Betty and Vojtech,

thank you very much for your responses! I had overlooked the "secondary" 
port, and now I know what to do.

Betty, I wonder what you meant by
"let XProc handle writing (p:write) the XML file..."

Did you perhaps mean

-- Hans-Juergen

PS: Vojtech, your pattern for writing the result-document stream is nice 
and convincing.

Betty Harvey schrieb:
> Hi Hans-Juergen:
> I had the same problem.  If you let XProc handle writing(p:write) the
> XML file instead of the XSLT then it worked.  I have to admit it is a
> little simpler to use <xsl:result-document>.
> For complex chunking of documents I suspect using XProc for writing
> the chunking mechanisms could be painful.
> Betty

Received on Thursday, 2 December 2010 15:55:01 UTC