Re: [xml-dev] Serialization of XDM - Use cases / Proposal

Not quite sure I follow you.
Are you suggesting that the Serialization format in fact could be 
identical to the XQuery syntax that would produce that format ?
Much like say the JSON format is equivalent to the JavaScript code that 
produces that data ?

That could work ... but there's some issues offhand.
1) You have to have an XQuery parser or atleast part of one
--> One of the use cases is to be able to parse this data into NON-XDM 
Aware programs

2) typed data may be more difficult ( is "1" an xs:integer or xs:decimal 
? If the actual XDM data had this type we want to serialize it)
--> One of the use cases is to have access to the type of all items

3) May not be canonical.  That is there may be more then one way to 
represent the same sequence
--> One of the use cases is a canonical format.  although that is only 
needed once you reconstitute the sequence.

All these could possibly be solved with some "rules" about what subset 
of XQuery is used. e.g.  But it may take a LOT of rules.

David A. Lee

Kurt Cagle wrote:
> I'm going to ask what may be an obvious question, but wouldn't it make 
> sense for a serialization of a sequence to correspond on the output to 
> the serialization on the input? That is to say, if you had a structure:
> ("foo",5,<bar><bat/></bar>,<!-- foo -->)
> internally, wouldn't that also be the serialization format? 
> Admittedly, there's a little more complexity in dealing with fragments 
> and the like, but at least with the sequence case, the delimiters 
> would presumably be those used for XQuery on input.
> Kurt Cagle
> Managing Editor
> On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 5:05 PM, < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Probably someone has mentioned this, but one approach might be
>     based on
>     Michael's attributes:
>     I also think there is merit in something like the following:
>     <xdm:typed-document>
>       <xdm:type>
>          <rdf:bag>
>              <xs:string/>
>              <xs:unsignedShort length="4" />
>          </rdf:bag>
>       </xdm:type>
>       <xdm:data>
>          <address>
>            <city>Sydney</city>
>            <postcode>2009</city>
>          </address>
>       </xdm:data>
>     </xdm:typed-document>
>     Where the original document can be reconstructed merely by taking the
>     /*/*[2]/* branch, and there is one element in the type branch for
>     every
>     element in the data branch.
>     Cheers
>     Rick Jelliffe
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Received on Sunday, 20 September 2009 11:20:48 UTC