Re: XProc pipeline for the processing of XProc pipelines

"Costello, Roger L." <> writes:
> That processor must read in an XML document (the .xpl file) and
> process it. This processing involves taking the XML document (the
> .xpl file) through a number of steps, and the output is one or more
> XML documents.
> It seems to me that it should be possible to write an XProc pipeline
> for XProc pipelines.
> Has anyone done this?

It's an interesting idea. It might just be possible, but there are a bunch
of things that the processor has to do that would be very, very tedious
(if they're possible at all) in XProc: dealing with default readable ports
and the syntactic shortcuts they imply; reordering steps so that they are
executed in the necessary order; etc.

But I do have a cx:eval step, if that's not cheating :-)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Those who abandon their dreams will            | discourage yours.

Received on Friday, 29 May 2009 18:33:27 UTC