Re: Thoughts on cx:zip

Dave Pawson <> writes:

> If the manifest is an external XML document, I couldn't use
>  variables within that manifest since they wouldn't be 'expanded'?

I never said the manifest had to be an *external* document. XProc is
all about XML processing, I expect to construct the manifest in the
pipeline. Which...

> E.g. my ant list (in reads
> zip_file_list="${html_stylesheet}  ${my_schema_rng}  ${main_fo_stylesheet}  \
> ${listimages_stylesheet} ${listimages_sh_stylesheet}  ${css_stylesheet}  \
> ${xmlcatalog}  ${build_properties}  ${build_properties_sh}  ${build_sh}  \
> ${build_xml}  ${cp_images_sh} ${test_docbook_xml} ${testprops_xsl} \
> ${antvars_sh_py}  ${example_catalog} ${catalog_manager}"

... leaves open the question: what can we do to make it easiest for you
to construct zip manifests like that one.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | The best people usually owe their            | excellence to a combination of
                              | qualities which might have been
                              | supposed incompatible.--Bertrand Russell

Received on Wednesday, 27 May 2009 11:29:35 UTC