Re: Immediate Market Needs for XProc

Hi Leif,

> I've been working on an XProc GUI using WireIt [1].

Great! I'm eager to see it when you have it ready.

> Is the configuration management tool similiar 
> to a version control system
> (i.e. git, svn, etc)?

Yes, that's what I was thinking.

> I was thinking it would be nice to have a central directory of XProc
> libraries that encapsulate web service APIs.  Yahoo recently put a
> user-contributable directory of web service wrappers up on github for use
> from YQL [2].  They specify the URL and input parameters (required or
> optional), but don't seem to say much about the output of the web services
> (arguably much more complicated).

> Maybe say, I'd want a bus arrival step (that encapsulates my transit service
> api), and later on some info from that could go into a mapping step...

Great idea!


> [1]
> [2]

> -Leif Warner

Received on Saturday, 9 May 2009 23:13:12 UTC