Re: calabash with primary attributes

James Fuller wrote:
> consider this trivial pipeline

> <p:declare-step xmlns:foo="" 
> <p:input port="source"/>
> <p:output port="result"/>
> <p:input port="extra" primary="false"/>

> <p:identity/>

> </p:declare-step>

> as I understand things the source and result should be marked primary 

I believe Calabash is correct to not mark the "source" port as primary.
According to the spec:
"[Definition: If a step has a document input port which is explicitly
marked “primary='true'”, or if it has exactly one document input port
and that port is /not/ explicitly marked “primary='false'”, then that
input port is the /primary input port/ of the step.]"

In your pipeline, you have defined more than one input port, none of
which is marked primary="true", so the condition stated above is not met.


Received on Tuesday, 31 March 2009 08:11:46 UTC