problem using with-option

A newbie question, I'm afraid. Can anybody enlighten me as to why this 

<p:declare-step xmlns:p="" name="test">
  <p:directory-list path="/some/path"/>

and this doesn't:

<p:declare-step xmlns:p="" name="test">
    <p:with-option name="path" select="'/some/path'"/>

I'm using Calabash 0.9.10. The error returned is:

Error  : file:/home/kevin/xproc-test/import-tldinfo.xpl:3: option path 
unbound on p:directory-list step named #ANON.85 and no default readable 
Error  : Pipeline failed: err:XS0032: option path unbound on 
p:directory-list step named #ANON.85 and no default readable port.  It 
is a static error if no binding is provided and the default readable 
port is undefined.

Kevin Flynn

Received on Tuesday, 30 June 2009 13:00:32 UTC