Why does this pipeline output two c:param-sets?

Hi Folks,

This pipeline outputs the content of the parameter input port:

<p:declare-step xmlns:p="http://www.w3.org/ns/xproc"
    <p:input port="parameters" kind="parameter">
                <c:param name="Title" value="First and Last Freedom" />
                <c:param name="Author" value="J. Krishnamurti" />
                <c:param name="Date" value="1954" />
                <c:param name="ISBN" value="0-06-064831-7" />
                <c:param name="Publisher" value="Harper &amp; Row" />
    <p:output port="result" sequence="true" />

        <p:input port="source">
            <p:pipe step="myPipeline" port="parameters" />


Surprisingly, I get as output two <c:param-set> elements:

<c:param-set xmlns:c="http://www.w3.org/ns/xproc-step">
     <c:param name="Title" value="First and Last Freedom"/>
     <c:param name="Author" value="J. Krishnamurti"/>
     <c:param name="Date" value="1954"/>
     <c:param name="ISBN" value="0-06-064831-7"/>
     <c:param name="Publisher" value="Harper &amp; Row"/>
<c:param-set xmlns:c="http://www.w3.org/ns/xproc-step"/>

I don't understand why I get that second <c:param-set> element. Would you explain this please?


Received on Saturday, 27 June 2009 12:06:51 UTC