Re: Calabash safe mode? As a web service?

Leif Warner <> writes:
> I was wanting to run Calabash behind a web service that has the
> pipelines generated and fed into it from a Javascript pipeline GUI
> tool. For this, I would want to restrict pipelines from writing to the
> filesystem (other than temp), and running arbitrary commands. I can't
> seem to get calabash -S (safe mode) to run on anything, though; it
> just gives a dynamic error about access to that resource not allowed
> on simple pipelines like say, the included pipeline.xpl test pipeline.

Oh, dear. I've made it just a little too restrictive, haven't I?
It won't even load the source pipeline from a file: URI.

I'll try to fix that for the next release.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | 'I have done that,' says my memory. 'I            | cannot have done that'--says my pride,
                              | and remains adamant. At last--memory
                              | yields.-- Nietzsche

Received on Tuesday, 2 June 2009 18:41:00 UTC