base URI after select= in p:input, p:identity

Looking at the required test   base-uri-002  I see this pipeline

<p:pipeline xmlns:p="" 
<!-- This p:identity step makes sure that we grab the root element -->
<!-- where the xml:base exists. Otherwise, we get the base uri -->
<!-- of the input document itself, and that varies by test env. -->
 <p:input port="source" select="/doc"/>
 <p:string-replace match="para[@class]/text()">
  <p:with-option name="replace" 

This implies one or both of 2 things which I cannot find explicitly 
specified in the specs.
These seem to follow other conventions but I cant find them spelled out.

1) if you use a select in p:input then the resulting document's base URI 
becomes the base URI of the root element of the selected node.


2) The base URI of the output of Identity is the base URI of the root 
element, not the document

My *Guess* is that #1 is what's intended.
There is similar verbiage for p:viewport but not for p:input or p:identity

"The base URI of the resulting document that is passed to the subpipeline is 
the base URI of the matched element or document. "

I suggest this should be added to the p:input description, as well as other 
places where "select=" occurs that produces documents, such as in the 
bindings.   For p:identity, I think unless #2 is intended, that the 
implication is clear, that the base uri of the input document is passed to 
the output document.


David A. Lee

Received on Saturday, 28 February 2009 13:51:58 UTC