Recursive calling


I just tried with 0.7.1 version of calabash if recursive calling works

But it doesn't

Here is a small example

<p:pipeline xmlns:p=""
    <p:declare-step name="recursive" type="ix:step">
        <p:input port="source"/>
        <p:output port="result"/>
        <p:option name="level"/>
            <p:when test="number($level) = 0">
                    <p:with-option name="level" select="number($level) - 1"/>
    <ix:step level="10"/>

And here is Calabash response

Pipeline failed: err:XS0044: Unexpected step name: ix:step
  It is a static error if any element in the XProc namespace or any
step has element children other than those specified for it by this


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Received on Saturday, 4 October 2008 10:40:02 UTC