Re: calabash p:delete not working

On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 11:55 AM, mozer <> wrote:
> jim,
> well the bug in your code (but probably there is also a bug in Calabash) :)
thx !

I seemed to have completely missed that we are *also& double quoting
match attributes ... I think that this double quoting is gonna be a
'cowpath' real quick in v1.

I can confirm that this works as you say.

ta, J

> What you want is this :
>   <p:delete name="step1" match="//a"/>
> which you could also write
>   <p:delete name="step1">
>        <p:with-option name="match" select="'//a'"/><!-- see the
> double quoting there -->
>   </p:delete>
> Regards,
> Xmlizer
> On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 11:42 AM, James Fuller
> <> wrote:
>> might be a prob with p:delete e.g. using the following pipeline
>>  <p:pipeline name="pipeline"
>>            xmlns:p="">
>>   <p:delete name="step1">
>>        <p:with-option name="match" select="//a"/>
>>   </p:delete>
>> </p:pipeline>
>> on std input of
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <test>
>>    <a>test1</a>
>>    <b/>
>> </test>
>> returns
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <test>
>>    <a>test1</a>
>>    <b/>
>> </test>
>> I would expect the <a/> element to be removed.
>> - Jim Fuller

Received on Saturday, 4 October 2008 10:00:25 UTC