Re: using p:variable

Just note how long winded it is to do such a simple thing Norm?
I'm less sure how clear the use case is for it though.

p:insert was the other option I looked at, but I couldn't
get that to work either.

regards DaveP

2008/12/15 Norman Walsh <>:

>> Maybe there'd be a use for a p:set-value step. I don't know.
> You can certainly write your own. And I'm happy to add it to if
> there's interest.
> Here's set-value.xpl:
> <p:declare-step type="ex:set-value"
>                xmlns:c=""
>                xmlns:ex=""
>                xmlns:p=""
>                exclude-inline-prefixes="c ex p">
> <p:output port="result"/>
> <p:option name="value" required="true"/>
> <p:string-replace match="c:result/text()">
>  <p:input port="source">
>    <p:inline><c:result>text</c:result></p:inline>
>  </p:input>
>  <p:with-option name="replace"
>    select="concat('&quot;',
>                   replace($value, '&quot;', '&quot;&quot;'),
>                   '&quot;')">
>    <p:empty/>
>  </p:with-option>
> </p:string-replace>
> </p:declare-step>
> and here's an example of how to use it:
> <p:pipeline name="pipeline"
>            xmlns:ex=""
>            xmlns:p="">
> <p:import href="set-value.xpl"/>
> <p:variable name="some-string" select="'my &quot;value'"/>
> <ex:set-value>
>  <p:with-option name="value" select="$some-string"/>
> </ex:set-value>
> </p:pipeline>

Dave Pawson
Docbook FAQ.

Received on Monday, 15 December 2008 10:57:47 UTC