Re: Why can't I specify input and output document?

since you have bound the only output port, the identity step output is dangling.

this is a bit of a gotcha ... you can't define output by binding to
this port ...

in calabash you can define the uri for the final result port thus

java -Dcom.xmlcalabash.phonehome="false" com.xmlcalabash.drivers.Main
--output result=/doc.xml -isource=$1 $2

I have define the top level input source port ($1) and $2 is the pipeline itself

where the pipeline is

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<p:declare-step xmlns:p="">
<p:input port="source">
<p:document href="doc.xml"/>
<p:output port="result"/>

alternately you could do this explicitly in the pipeline a few ways,
at the most basic using p:store.

hth, Jim Fuller

On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 12:53 PM, Dave Pawson <> wrote:
> pipe below fails in Calabash .9
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <p:declare-step xmlns:p="">
>  <p:input port="source" primary='true'>
>   <p:document href="doc.xml"/>
>  </p:input>
>  <p:output port='result'>
>   <p:document href="op.xml"/>
>  </p:output>
>  <p:identity/>
> </p:declare-step>
> I want to define a pipe with both input and output files specified by the pipe.
> seems to specify both, I'm unsure why mine doesn't work?
> Error  : file:/files/xproc/tests/pipe3.xpl:2: Unbound primary output
> port on last step: #ANON.85
> Error  : Pipeline failed: com.xmlcalabash.core.XProcException: Don't
> know how to handle binding 3
> Any suggestions where / why I'm wrong please?
> --
> Dave Pawson
> Docbook FAQ.

Received on Sunday, 7 December 2008 14:54:36 UTC