Re: XSD with "required" attribute option related query

Hi Mukul,

One more help please:

Is it possible to impose required constraint at value level?
for example in below xml, I wnt to make sure value for alias1, coli1 and
operator is always populated in condition element within where element.

functionalView name="CLAIMS_FV"  description="Learning Purpose">


    <column name="CLAI.CODE"   columnAlias="CODE"  description="The code of
the claim" />

    <column name="CLLI.CODE"   columnAlias="LINE_CODE"  description="The
code of the claim line" />

    <column name="PROC.CODE"   columnAlias="PROC_CODE"  description="The
code of the claim line procedure" />



    <fromview name="CLAIMS_V" alias="CLAI" />

    <fromview name="LINES_V" alias="CLLI" />

    <fromview name="PROC_V" alias="PROC" />

    <fromview name="PROV_V" alias="PROV" />

    <fromview name="FORMS_V" alias="CLFO"/>

    <fromview name="FORMTYPES_V" alias="CFTY"/>



    <join  alias1="CLLI" col1="CLAI_ID" condition="="  alias2="CLAI"

    <join  alias1="CLFO" col1="ID" condition="="  alias2="CFTY"

    <join  alias1="CFTY" col1="ID" condition="="  alias2="PROC"

    <leftouterjoin  alias1="PROV" col1="ID" condition="="  alias2="CLAI"



    <condition alias1="CFTY" col1="CODE"  operator="="  string=""
number="" date= ""    />




On Mon, 24 Feb 2020 at 13:39, Rajneesh Shukla <>

> Hi Mukul,
> Thanks for your reply.
> I am  working inside the database, it won't be possible.
> Oracle XML DB only supports XML Schema 1.0.
> Thanks,
> Rajneesh
> On Sat, 22 Feb 2020 at 11:27, Mukul Gandhi <> wrote:
>> Hi Rajneesh,
>>     Within the XSD document you've attached, following is a XSD issue to
>> start with (using Xerces-J 2.12.1 as XSD validator),
>> [Error] query1.xsd:3:67: s4s-att-not-allowed: Attribute 'maxOccurs'
>> cannot appear in element 'element'.
>> [Error] query1.xsd:3:67: s4s-att-not-allowed: Attribute 'minOccurs'
>> cannot appear in element 'element'.
>> i.e, the following is not allowed by XSD language,
>> <xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
>> elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="
>> ">
>>     <xs:element name="functionalView" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
>>     ...
>> </xs:schema>
>> Removing, maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" from above shown xs:element
>> declaration from your attached XSD document, makes your XSD document
>> correct (with both 1.0 and 1.1 versions of XSD language).
>> Now coming to your question.
>> I think that, the issue you've mentioned can be solved using an XSD 1.1
>> <assert> instruction. I guess that, you can rewrite your XSD fragment to
>> following (I've only added an <assert>), to achieve what you've mentioned,
>> <xs:element name="where" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
>>        <xs:complexType>
>>              <xs:sequence>
>>                    <xs:element name="condition" maxOccurs="unbounded"
>> minOccurs="1">
>>                          <xs:complexType>
>>                                <xs:simpleContent>
>>                                      <xs:extension base="xs:string">
>>                                             <xs:attribute
>> type="xs:string" name="alias1" use="required"/>
>>                                             <xs:attribute
>> type="xs:string" name="col1" use="required"/>
>>                                             <xs:attribute
>> type="xs:string" name="operator" use="required"/>
>>                                             <xs:attribute
>> type="xs:string" name="string" use="optional"/>
>>                                             <xs:attribute
>> type="xs:string" name="number" use="optional"/>
>>                                             <xs:attribute
>> type="xs:string" name="date" use="optional"/>
>>                                             <xs:assert
>> test="exists(@string | @number | @date)"/>
>>                                    </xs:extension>
>>                               </xs:simpleContent>
>>                          </xs:complexType>
>>                      </xs:element>
>>                 </xs:sequence>
>>          </xs:complexType>
>> </xs:element>
>> I've not tested, the logic of <assert> I've mentioned above.
>> Could be useful information to share that, you may use the full XPath 2.0
>> language, to write value of 'test' attribute of an <assert>. Also, 1 upto
>> any number of <assert> elements can be written as siblings in the XSD
>> document (all of the sibling <assert> elements, have to evaluate to true
>> for having the XML instance document valid).
>> On Fri, Feb 21, 2020 at 11:16 PM Rajneesh Shukla <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello All,
>>> I am new to XSD and XML and need to explore if there is option to make
>>> sure that any one attribute in a set of attributes within same element is
>>> required.
>>> Example:
>>>   <xs:element name="where" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
>>>           <xs:complexType>
>>>             <xs:sequence>
>>>               <xs:element name="condition" maxOccurs="unbounded"
>>> minOccurs="1">
>>>                 <xs:complexType>
>>>                   <xs:simpleContent>
>>>                     <xs:extension base="xs:string">
>>>                       <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="alias1"
>>> use="required"/>
>>>                       <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="col1"
>>> use="required"/>
>>>                       <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="operator"
>>> use="required"/>
>>>                       <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="string"
>>> use="optional"/>
>>>                       <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="number"
>>> use="optional"/>
>>>                       <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="date"
>>> use="optional"/>
>>>                     </xs:extension>
>>>                   </xs:simpleContent>
>>>                 </xs:complexType>
>>>               </xs:element>
>>>             </xs:sequence>
>>>           </xs:complexType>
>>>         </xs:element>
>>> Here I want to ensure that minimum one  attribute  in a set of 3
>>> attributes (mentioned as optional in above) are required. All can not be
>>> optional , however any one (can be more than one also) is required.
>>> Thanking you in anticipation !!!
>>> Attachment:
>>> Complete XSD file.
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Mukul Gandhi

Received on Monday, 24 February 2020 15:00:57 UTC