Re: Web based XML Schema validator tool

   There's a page here as well,
that has a section "Validators". The "Validators" section on this page,
points to Henry Thompson's XSV tool but it then says "The XML Schema
Validator service has been Discontinued".

May be the right place for my site, is within "Validators" section on the
page The title "Validators" on
this page, might be changed to something like "Web based validators".

Please evaluate the different options, to see which is most right.

On 29 April 2016 at 17:42, Mukul Gandhi <> wrote:

> Hello,
>    I think the page here, hasn't been
> updated since very long time. This page says, it was last modified on 17
> March 2006. But this page is indeed useful to read, and I have read it
> earlier in detail. It also doesn't have any mention about the XML Schema
> tools, as on the page
> I think, may still be the right page to
> add details about new XML Schema tools. Liam says that, its a low priority
> to add anything on this page. I respect that.
> I suggest, that Mr. Clemens 's site and my request in this thread (after
> any verification that needs to be done), can be added to the page.

Mukul Gandhi

Received on Friday, 29 April 2016 12:32:50 UTC