Re: Web based XML Schema validator tool

On Sat, 2016-04-23 at 17:47 +0530, Mukul Gandhi wrote:
> I have felt that new language developments on XML Schema are not
> taking place after release of its 1.1 version, except for the need of
> maintaining errata for XML Schema 1.1.

Right - the Working Group finished its work and closed.

> A suggestion for engaging users now towards XML Schema 1.1, is to
> perhaps add a section on the XML Schema page I cited, specifically
> about tools relevant to XML Schema 1.1, since that area still seems
> to have relevant scope of innovation and growth.

It might be; It's not that I'm opposed to updating it from time to time
(and have) but that it's a rather low priority unfortunately, and I
don't want to give the impression that it's more than an historical

A Wikipedia page listing XML Schema tools might work better, and I'll
gladly edit the page on to point to it.


Liam R. E. Quin <>
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Wednesday, 27 April 2016 19:03:05 UTC