RuleML 2014: 2nd Call for Papers

2nd Call for Papers
RuleML 2014 - 8th International Web Rule Symposium
In conjunction with ECAI 2014, the 21st European Conference on Artificial
Prague, Czech Republic, August 18-20, 2014

Special Issue
A selection of the best RuleML 2014 papers will be invited to be revised
and extended for the post-conference publication in a Special Issue of TPLP
(Theory and Practice of Logic Programming).

Keynotes and Tutorials
 * Rules, Events and Actions, by Adrian Paschke, Freie Universität Berlin
 * Rule-based Clinical Decision Support, Jürgen Angele, Semedy GmbH,
 * Tutorial on Rule Learning, by Johannes Fuernkraz, TU Darmstadt

Special Tracks
 * Rules and Human Language Technology
 * Learning (Business) Rules from Data
 * Legal Rules and Norms

We invite high-quality submissions related (but not limited) to the special
tracks and to the following topics:
- Rules and automated reasoning
- Rule-based policies, reputation, and trust
- Rule-based event processing and reaction rules
- Rules and the Web
- Rule discovery from data
- Fuzzy rules and uncertainty
- Logic programming and nonmonotonic reasoning
- Non-classical logics and the Web (e.g. modal, especially deontic and
epistemic, logics)
- Hybrid methods for combining rules and statistical machine learning
techniques (e.g., conditional random fields, Probabilistic Soft Logic)
- Rule transformation, extraction, and learning
- Vocabularies, ontologies, and business rules
- Rule markup languages and rule interchange formats
- Rule-based distributed/multi-agent systems
- Rules, agents, and norms
- Rule-based communication, dialogue, and argumentation models
- Rule-based data integration
- Vocabularies and ontologies for pragmatic primitives (e.g. speech acts
and deontic primitives)
- Pragmatic web reasoning and distributed rule inference / rule execution
- Rules in online market research and online marketing
- Applications of rule technologies in health care and life sciences
- Industrial applications of rules
- Rules and business process compliance checking
- Standards activities related to rules
- Rules and social media
- General rule topics

Important Dates
Abstract submission: 31 March 2014
Paper submission: 8 April 2014
Notification: 20 May 2014
Camera ready: 6 June 2014
RuleML 2014 dates: 18-20 August 2014

Submission Guidelines
Papers must be original contributions written in English and must be
submitted at as:
 * Full Papers (15 pages in the proceedings)
 * Short Papers (8 pages in the proceedings)

Accepted papers will be published in book form in the Springer Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. A selection of the best papers
will be invited to be revised and extended for the post-conference
publication in a Special Issue of TPLP (Theory and Practice of Logic

Satellite Events
RuleML 2014  is also hosting
 * The 4th RuleML Doctoral Consortium:
 * The 6th International Rule Challenge:
 * The Face-to-Face LegalRuleML OASIS TC meeting

Twitter hashtag: #ruleml2014
Call for papers:

Received on Thursday, 20 February 2014 00:19:54 UTC