RuleML 2014 Call for Papers

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Call for Papers
RuleML 2014 - 8th International Web Rule Symposium
Prague, Czech Republic, August 18-20, 2014

About RuleML 2014
The annual International Web Rule Symposium (RuleML) is the leading
international event in the field of rules and their applications. RuleML
2014, the eighth event in this series, will be held in conjunction with
ECAI 2014, the 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in
Prague, Czech Republic. RuleML 2014 will host: the 8th International Rule
Challenge, the 4th RuleML Doctoral Consortium, the Human Language
Technology, the Learning (Business) Rules from Data, and the Legal Rules
and Norms tracks, as well as the OASIS Legal RuleML Meeting.

RuleML 2014 will stimulate cooperation and interoperability between
research and business in a community of researchers and practitioners who
are interested in the theory and applications of rules. The symposium's
areas of research and development have helped drive the rapid progress in
technologies for practical rule and event processing. As a result, RuleML
2014 will be an exciting venue for the exchange of new ideas and
experiences on issues related to engineering, management, integration,
interoperability of rule systems, and interchange of rules in distributed
enterprise, intranets, and open distributed environments. Industry
practitioners, rule-system providers, users of rules, technical experts and
developers, and researchers who are exploring foundational issues,
developing systems and applications, or using rule-based systems are
invited to share ideas, results, and experiences.

We invite high-quality submissions related (but not limited) to the
following topics:
- Rules and automated reasoning
- Rule-based policies, reputation, and trust
- Rule-based event processing and reaction rules
- Rules and the Web
- Rule discovery from data
- Learning (Business) Rules from Data (special track)
- Fuzzy rules and uncertainty
- Logic programming and nonmonotonic reasoning
- Non-classical logics and the Web (e.g modal, especially deontic and
epistemic, logics)
- Hybrid methods for combining rules and statistical machine learning
techniques (e.g., conditional random fields, Probabilistic Soft Logic)
- Rule transformation, extraction, and learning
- Vocabularies, ontologies, and business rules
- Rule markup languages and rule interchange formats
- Rule-based distributed/multi-agent systems
- Rules, agents, and norms
- Rule-based communication, dialogue, and argumentation models
- Rule-based data integration
- Vocabularies and ontologies for pragmatic primitives (e.g. speech acts
and deontic primitives)
- Pragmatic web reasoning and distributed rule inference / rule execution
- Rules in online market research and online marketing
- Applications of rule technologies in health care and life sciences
- Legal rules and Norms (special track)
- Industrial applications of rules
- Rules and Human Language Technology (special track)
- Rules and business process compliance checking
- Standards activities related to rules
- Rules and social media
- General rule topics

Conference Chair
Leora Morgenstern (Leidos, USA)

Program Chairs
Antonis Bikakis (University College London, UK)
Paul Fodor (Stony Brook University, USA)
Dumitru Roman (SINTEF / University of Oslo, Norway)

Important Dates
Abstract submission: 31 March 2014
Paper submission: 8 April 2014
Notification: 20 May 2014
Camera ready: 6 June 2014
RuleML 2014 dates: 18-20 August 2014

Submission Guidelines
Papers must be original contributions written in English and must be
submitted at as:
* Full Papers (15 pages in the proceedings)
* Short Papers (8 pages in the proceedings)

Please upload all submissions in LNCS format ( To ensure high quality,
submitted papers will be carefully peer-reviewed by 3 PC members based on
originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition.
Accepted papers will be published in book form in the Springer Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.

RuleML Special tracks
Rules and Human Language Technology
Organisers: Francois Levy (LIPN, University of Paris, France) and Adam
Wyner (University of Aberdeen, UK)
Description: Over the last decade, there has been an enormous growth of
machine readable textual material available from business, legal, and
government communities. The main application is to provide decision
support, which requires the representation of and reasoning with rules and
knowledge bases. In spite of significant improvements in the effectiveness
and accuracy of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and, more broadly, Human
Language Technologies (HLT), there remains a substantial
knowledge-acquisition bottleneck in using HLT to translate from the textual
content of Big Data to machine-processable, knowledge-based semantic
representations of rules. The Special Track is intended to focus attention
on the issues, provide an outlet for current work, and be a forum for the
exchange of ideas.
Learning (Business) Rules from Data
Organisers: Tomas Kliegr (University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic)
and Davide Sottara (Arizona State University, USA)
Description: Papers submitted to the track could address (among others)
extraction of business rules from sets of fuzzy, uncertain and possibly
conflicting rules learned from data and bridging the gap between rules as
"correlations" in the data and rules that can be used in business rule
management systems.
* Learning Action, Association, Decision and Constraint Rules from Data
* Extracting business rules from decision trees and rule sets induced from
* Non-monotonic, uncertain and defeasible reasoning to resolve conflicting
* Enhancing rule learning processes with domain knowledge
* Fuzzy and probabilistic extensions to rule markup languages (SBVR,
* Rule interest/quality measures suitable for business rule learning
* Learning disjunctive and negative rules in business rules context
Legal rules and Norms
Organiser: Monica Palmirani (Università di Bologna, Italy)

Twitter hashtag: #ruleml2014
Call for papers:

Received on Sunday, 8 December 2013 00:51:30 UTC