Re: If I have a 1.1 schema and remove the 1.1 specific stuff, will I then have a 1.0 schema?

On 05/09/2012 16:17, Costello, Roger L. wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> Suppose that I have a 1.1 schema.
> If I remove all the 1.1 specific stuff (assert, alternative, openContent, etc.) will the resulting document be a 1.0 compliant schema?
> /Roger
I don't think you can remove "all the 1.1 specific stuff" by trivial 
syntactic means. For example, detecting whether the schema takes 
advantage of the relaxation in the rules for type subsumption is far 
from easy.

Michael Kay

Received on Wednesday, 5 September 2012 16:11:55 UTC