Element name replacement

I am new to XSD, I went through your blog would you kindly help me.
I want to generate an xsd which will validate an xml.
The xml file is the html converted file and hence has html tags
I want to validate the tag Hierarchy
Eg: if the <p> tag has <div> tags within it then replace the <p> tag's
element name as "div"
<div id="div1">
 <p id="p1">
      <div id="div2">hello</div>
This should be :
<div id="div1">
 <p id="p1">
      <p id="div2">hello</p>
I need it urgently, looking forward for your reply.
Thanks & Regards
Salma Siddiqa


Received on Friday, 12 October 2012 12:19:50 UTC