Re: Supporting incremental-definition of a type?

On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 4:21 PM, Michael Kay <> wrote:
> Yes, this is a serious problem with the xs:restriction mechanism for defining subtypes, that you have to declare all the
> parts of the content model that you want to leave unchanged, rather than the parts you are restricting away.

XSD has it's own unique notion of how complexType restrictions work,
and I would say you may find it quite strange if you're expecting it
to work like an OO class inheritance for example. If an XSD
complexType X restricts complexType Y, then informally the number of
XSD particles in type X should be same as Y, and a particle at some
offset in X must be a valid restriction of the particle at same offset
in Y. But I do find this notion of complexType restriction sensible.

> There's an unfortunate usability glitch in XSD 1.1 which we noticed too late to fix it, that when you restrict by assertion you still
> need to repeat the entire content model.

I think, XSD assertions are orthogonal (co-)constraints to the
particle restriction constraints. Therefore while restricting XSD
complex types, in addition to obeying the particle restriction rules
an assertion would enforce constraints via XPath expressions on the
tree rooted at an element (whose complexType is the context type). I
personally don't see assertions working with complexType restrictions
a glitch -- it's just that, we can use assertions during complexType
restrictions if we want to apply an orthogonal co-occurrence
constraint in addition to particle restriction constraints.

Mukul Gandhi

Received on Monday, 18 June 2012 20:23:17 UTC