RE: Invoking schema validation processors

Thanks for the suggestion, Clemens, but I see 
that its use requires obtaining a free license 
key, plus it appears to be Windows only.  Those 
aspects would prevent me from including it in the OASIS UBL distribution.

That xjparse is a portable JAR file allows me to 
use that today in the distribution.  There are 
both Windows and shell demonstration scripts that 
run for users of the UBL package.

I've filed a report on xjparse and will make a 
note to this list when this issue has been repaired by Norm:

. . . . . . . . . Ken

At 2012-01-11 17:45 +0100, office wrote:
>Dear Ken,
>you could use the free XML ValidatorBuddy Command Line Tool (for Windows)
>which is available at:
>I was able to successfully validate your sample files. The tool also uses
>the Xerces 3.1 parser internally. If one of the XML documents is invalid an
>exit code of -1 is returned, otherwise it returns 0.
>This would be the output on calling:
>valbuddy.exe -v -verbose test2.xml
>XML ValidatorBuddy command-line Tool
>By, Copyright 2012
>G:\Users\xml\Ken Holman\test2.xml: invalid
>Line: 6, Col: 6 : no declaration found for element 'doc'
>Line: 2, Col: 8 : no declaration found for element 'test'
>And this is the output on calling:
>Valbuddy.exe -v -verbose -s test.xsd test2.xml
>XML ValidatorBuddy command-line Tool
>By, Copyright 2012
>G:\Users\xml\Ken Holman\test2.xml: valid
>Best regards
>Clemens Uhlenhut
>-----Original Message-----
>From: G. Ken Holman []
>Sent: Dienstag, 10. Jänner 2012 18:33
>Subject: Re: Invoking schema validation processors
>At 2012-01-10 11:54 -0500, Michael Glavassevich wrote:
> >If Xerces is performing DTD and XSD validation at the same time it's
> >because the application (xjparse in this case) configured it [1] (by
> >accident?) to do so. There are multiple ways to get Xerces to do XSD
> >validation [2] only.
>What I cannot see at that FAQ is how to accomplish this from the command
>The UBL community's users are running validation from batch files.
>Thanks, again, for any guidance.
>. . . . . . . . . . . . Ken

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Received on Wednesday, 11 January 2012 17:05:19 UTC