Re: Progress towards XSD 1.1

Original Message From: "Liam R E Quin"
> On Thu, 2011-09-29 at 16:07 +0100, Pete Cordell wrote:
>> Perhaps I could gently suggest that IMO the XSD working group could do a
>> better job of engaging the hearts and minds of people outside the working
>> group.
> That's probably true. As staff contact now, I'd really like to be doing
> a lot more outreach, except that I have too much on my plate. Possibly
> one of the new W3C Community Groups would be a good forum for
> XML-related outreach?
> I suppose we could look at setting up twitter feeds for closed bugs, but
> for my part I look at twitter once every few months and then wander off
> again.

I think registering with Bugzilla is a good way to keep track of the various 
bugs and their progress.  The amount of e-mail you get isn't that onerous, 
and it's quite often helpful to get background on the bug when any update 
comes through.

What I miss is notice of new public drafts etc.  I think that a simple 
e-mail to xmlschema-dev when a new public draft is issued would be 
sufficient.  If that's hard to do, maybe someone can setup something to 
routinely scrape and see whether the 
date of the draft has change?


Pete Cordell
Codalogic Ltd
Interface XML to C++ the easy way using C++ XML
data binding to convert XSD schemas to C++ classes.
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Received on Thursday, 29 September 2011 19:03:05 UTC