
A customer of mine requires I translate S1000D 1.8 SGML to S1000D 3.0.1 XML.

One of the issues with this is inclusions; they are allowed in SGML but not
in XML.


Eg., within 1.8 SGML we have :


<!ELEMENT descript - o (para*,(%spcpara;),para0*) +(figure | foldout | table
| caption) >



Where figure, foldout, table and caption are allowed anywhere within
descript and its subelements.


But within 3.0.1 XML we have 


<!ELEMENT descript (((para*, ((warning*, caution*), note*), para0*) |
((figure | multimedia | foldout | table) | caption))*)>


Where figure, foldout, table and caption are allowed anywhere but only as
direct descendants to descript.



Other than simply extending the 3.0.1 schema to allow for inclusions (which
I really do not want to do if at all possible), are there any other methods
which may be more appropriate ?


The customer is not keen on normalizing their data in any way.






Andrew Leslie


Structured Information Limited

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Received on Wednesday, 2 February 2011 14:12:08 UTC