Another XML Schema quiz -- what is the base type for a simpleType that is part of a simpleType dependency chain?

Hi Folks,

Consider this simpleType:

<xs:simpleType name="A">
     <xs:restriction base="B">
         -- facets --

You see that simpleType A uses simpleType B.

Suppose that simpleType B uses simpleType C, which uses simpleType D.

 A --> B --> C --> D

Here is simpleType D:

<xs:simpleType name="D">
     <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
         -- facets --

Quiz: Is simpleType A a restriction of xs:integer?

Scroll down to see the answer ...

Answer: not necessarily!

Suppose that simpleType C is this:

<xs:simpleType name="C">
     <xs:list itemType="D" />

So, simpleType A is a list type, not an xs:integer type.

Summary: If there is a list simpleType anywhere up the dependency chain then that alters things - the base stops at the list type. Any simpleTypes higher up from the list type is impacting the list simpleType, not simpleType A.


Received on Thursday, 28 April 2011 18:50:41 UTC