Re: XML Schema: Formal Description

On 8 Sep 2010, at 3:28PM ET, Michael Sperberg-McQueen wrote:

>On 7 Sep 2010, at 14:14 , Julia Dana wrote:
>> I see on the 'Current Status' page that the XML Schema: Formal
>> Description specification is marked as retired.  Is there any current
>> document that is considered to have replaced it, or was the effort to
>> formalize XML Schema abandoned?
>It was abandoned.  The working group members who had been most involved with it left the working >group for various reasons, and eventually it became clear that the working group was not in a >position to complete it.

I'm not sure how you had planned to use the formal description, but for some purposes the Schema Component Designators draft (SCDs)[1] might be of use.  It's not at all a formal description, but might prove useful to you.  The draft is designed to be compatible with both XML Schema 1.0 and 1.1.


Received on Wednesday, 8 September 2010 22:02:29 UTC