Re: Extension of xs:simpleContent

Many thanks Kevin.  It's exactly the same question.  A case of it's wrong 
but it's right!

Pete Cordell
Codalogic Ltd
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data binding to convert XSD schemas to C++ classes.
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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kevin Braun" <>
To: "Pete Cordell" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 6:27 PM
Subject: Re: Extension of xs:simpleContent

> Hi,
> I believe under XSD 1.0 it is valid but under XSD 1.1 it would not be. 
> See 
> and the subsequent discussion; I believe it is the same question.
> Kevin
> On 11/17/2010 12:15 PM, Pete Cordell wrote:
>> I have a customer who has a schema that extends a simple type double into 
>> a complex type with simple content, and then as a separate construct 
>> extends that into a complex type with complex content.  They do this 
>> along the following lines:
>> <xs:complexType name="DoubleBase">
>> <xs:simpleContent>
>> <xs:extension base="xs:double">
>> <xs:attribute name="DoubleBaseAttr" type="xs:boolean"/>
>> </xs:extension>
>> </xs:simpleContent>
>> </xs:complexType>
>> <xs:complexType name="DoubleBaseExtension">
>> <xs:complexContent>
>> <xs:extension base="DoubleBase">
>> <xs:attribute name="DoubleExtensionAttr" type="xs:boolean"/>
>> </xs:extension>
>> </xs:complexContent>
>> </xs:complexType>
>> (To avoid confusion, the intent of the latter is to add the 
>> DoubleExtensionAttr attribute rather than mandate that you've got 
>> complexContent.)
>> My feeling is this is wrong because DoubleBaseExtension should specify 
>> xs:simpleContent rather than xs:complexContent.
>> However, XML Spy and Visual Studio seem to accept the above, and the 
>> example is actually based on a industry consortium schema that specifies 
>> similar constructs.
>> So my questions are:
>> 1) Is the above schema correct or not?
>> 2) If it is technically incorrect, is it widely occurring (possibly 
>> because tools fail to pick it up) and therefore worth overlooking this 
>> error?
>> Thanks,
>> Pete Cordell
>> Codalogic Ltd
>> Interface XML to C++ the easy way using C++ XML
>> data binding to convert XSD schemas to C++ classes.
>> Visit or
>> for more info

Received on Wednesday, 17 November 2010 18:41:01 UTC