Re: Implementing the DOM3 Val Spec in Javascript, problem with UPA and creating PSVI.


Forgive me if these points have already been addressed in the later discussion.  It seems there may be some misrepresentation as to the nature of various separate technologies when those technologies are used together, so this is just some background.

XML is separate from XML Schema with regard to data representation just as JSON is separate from JavaScript with regard to intent.  It seems clear you understand that XML is merely a syntax while XML Schema defines constraints upon node relationships of named entities.  JSON is merely a subset of JavaScript, where JavaScript is a lambda based programming language, that uses JavaScript syntax to define a data object.  Since JSON merely uses JavaScript syntax to express a data object it is more similar to XML than XML Schema since JSON does not define relational constraints upon points in that data.  In other words JSON is a literal, like any XML data instance, and not a definition of an object instance.  No use, to my knowledge, of JavaScript has been written to simulate the nature of schema.  Such a convention would likely be vocabulary from a closure namespace fed into a uniquely written JavaScript schema application as one argument and JSON fed in as a second argument.

The DOM is also not a definition of an object instance, like XML Schema, and so is inherently different from XML syntax, JavaScript syntax, or any instance of those.  The DOM is unique in that it is a universal structure of relationships among nodes in a data object, but is not a defining limit upon expression upon an instantiation of such relationships in a data object.  That said DOM is not syntactically bound to a language, but instead exists as a collection of methods.

Although I did see a JSON object exemplified I have not seen any use of JavaScript.  DOM methods would not be allowed in JSON since JSON is not an instance of logic.  If there exists any questions of JavaScript with regard to this subject please ask and I can likely provide an answer.


Received on Monday, 3 May 2010 08:45:02 UTC