Re: Your XML validator is broken

On 09/06/2010 03:20, jesse wrote:
> Hi there, I'm writing to inform you that your xml validator at: 
> is malfunctioning.  It says 
> there's an error in my sitemap, I also checked my sitemap in Google's 
> xml validator and it validated.  Just to verify my results, I checked 
> google's sitemap in their validator and yours and got the same results.
> <>

This information is not useful unless you tell us where to find your 
sitemap, and preferably tell us what the error messages were.

The fact that two validators A and B give different results does not 
prove that A is broken. Very often when this happens you will find that 
the stricter validator (the one that reports the errors) is the one that 
is correct.

Incidentally, there's no particular "you" whom you are addressing by 
posting on this list. The list is a community resource; if the message 
is intended for someone in particular, you should say so.

Michael Kay

Received on Wednesday, 9 June 2010 07:15:11 UTC