Re: Optimizing a schema.


Thats a great reference, thanks. You are right this is looking quite
ambitious to do in xslt, thats why I was hoping I could use saxon to help
take the brunt of the load in converting the schema to an FSA.

Next I need to convert my current validation algorithm, which is recursive,
into an iterative one. If you have any ideas on that I would much appreciate
the advice. The end goal being to provide access to a PSVI which can be
queried to determine where new elements can be inserted safely into the



On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 6:00 PM, Michael Kay <> wrote:

> Converting from a grammar to a FSA using XSLT looks ambitious. But the
> question is, whatever language the code is written in, what is the algorithm
> you are using? A classic algorithm is Thompson and Tobin's adaptation of the
> standard Aho/Ullman algorithm, which T&T published at XML Europe 2003 -
> which you will find here:
> I believe that if you use this algorithm, the process of determinizing the
> FSA will automatically remove redundant transitions caused by excess
> verbosity in the original grammar. The treatment of occurrence indicators is
> less than optimal, but that's a different question. I think the answer to
> your question is that you don't necessarily need to do any work in
> simplifying the grammar in advance, provided that you remove redundancy from
> the FSA after generating it.
> Michael Kay
> Saxonica
> On 21/07/2010 20:50, Casey Jordan wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I have a need to optimize an xml schema into its simplest DFA form.
>> Currently I have a number of xslt stylesheets that I wrote which essentially
>> flattens a schema and converts the whole thing to a state automaton in JSON
>> to be used in a client side validator I wrote.
>> However, the schemas I am working with right now (From the DITA open
>> toolkit) when flattened have a ton of unnecessary nested structures, for
>> instance things like this pop up:
>> <xs:sequence>
>> <xs:choice>
>> <xs:sequence>
>> <xs:choice>
>> <xs:sequence>
>> <xs:sequence>
>> <xs:element/>
>> </xs:sequence>
>> <xs:sequence>
>> <xs:element/>
>> </xs:sequence>
>> </xs:sequence>
>> </xs:choice>
>> </xs:sequence>
>> </xs:choice>
>> </xs:sequence>
>> The validator works great on smaller schemas, but as its written in
>> javascript these huge unnecessary structures slow it down a lot.
>> I am assuming that other schema processors simplify things like this and
>> before I wrote my own wanted to check with the community.
>> Cheers,
>> Casey
>> --
>> --
>> Casey Jordan
>> Jorsek Software LLC.
>> "CaseyDJordan" on LinkedIn, Twitter & Facebook
>> Cell (585) 348 7399
>> Office (585) 239 6060
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>> Thank you.

Casey Jordan
Jorsek Software LLC.
"CaseyDJordan" on LinkedIn, Twitter & Facebook
Cell (585) 348 7399
Office (585) 239 6060

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